Sometimes it seems
We are killing our Mother
Tearing up her skin
Choking her lungs
Disemboweling her insides
Cutting up her veins
Or is all of this just part of our prolonged birth into the world?
We, the Younger Brother,
destroying all the hard work of our Elder Brother
who is awaiting our arrival
but whom we are afraid to meet
because our umbillical cord has been cut too soon
hence we do not yet understand his way of life
We swim further upstream
fiercely fighting our awakening
not wanting to experience the suffering
we have inflicted upon our Mother
and our many brothers and sisters
Yet we cannot remain unborn any longer
or we shall be born dead
Victims of our fear of life
We must take responsibility of our actions
Stop fleeing to the moon or to mars in our heads,
but really learn to set foot on the earth first,
land in our hearts
and make ourselves at home
Like our Elder Brother has
A journey into Paradise awaits us
It starts within
Are you ready?