
25 jan 2024 · 22 keer gelezen · 0 keer geliket

You - your arms weigh the burden I carry 
It’s like a shotgun but you never could handle it with such gentleness 
With such care 
Caring is what I did, until now 

I feel - now - who I am 
I carry myself with grace  
With the confidence I always had
hidden in the pocket of my jeans

O-ow-oh, the stars ignite every night
And I was born to come here, home
Without a warning I ran into you with your stunning

Twenty-seven and I've learned to be much more apathetic
For my own life
Because it flows everywhere: the empathy
I feel it every damn time, such sensitivity

'Don't get too close' I hear you whisper
But it's my own voice screaming
And you're deaf to my sounds
While I pick up every sound you make
It's like I'm living with a false alarm

O-ow-oh, the stars ignite every night
And I come back here every time
To feel you close to me
But what never was, could never feel so real.

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25 jan 2024 · 22 keer gelezen · 0 keer geliket