don’t know what you tweet
what you shared what you liked
what you unfriend
I clicked and I sent
whoops you are trash
dropped and deleted
slashed dot com
do know what you tweet
browsed through your site
to comment
the content
digital desired
masks are required
spybots when you chat
collecting evidence
of a new offence
hack hack hack
hoard hoard hoard
viral on my motherboard
I got poked to much
enough hashtag and links-
the group, the hyve, the hub,
shut me down
I am so defragmented
get me an update
from what I am
not what you share
you tweet
I am a fact
a flaw
a statistic
from your smartphone or pc
I end in the cloud
in a folder
on your hard disc
on your drive
hey babe still your wive
scroll scroll scroll
virtual loving
platonic and plastic
no more dna
or defected genes
just some numbers
oops my vnfojnvfdljnvoevnljnvozejnvldjnvdl czl
a little virus
shut it down and restart
de migraines en pijn van naar een scherm te staren