The Medium is the Message

29 jun 2021 · 7 keer gelezen · 0 keer geliket

‘The medium is the message’, said McLuhan once.
But what message can i convey in these sentences?
Can these hollow words, empty piles off scribbly blacks describe your strength?

What can ‘Microsoft Word’ etch on these fields of pixelated whites?
Would punctuations, bring you comfort or silent reprimands?  
Would fresh capital letters announce arguments or the buds of laughter?

Heart of mine, hear these words, for what they are:
‘The medium is the message’ fooled Marshall McLuhan once.

Geraakt door deze tekst? Maak het hartje rood of deel de woorden met je vrienden.

Zo geef je mee een stem aan de woorden van deze schrijver.

29 jun 2021 · 7 keer gelezen · 0 keer geliket