Love and hope - Are felt, not seen

29 apr 2022 · 27 keer gelezen · 0 keer geliket

“Some say we find it in the darkest of nights

With no candle or light 

To brighten up our life

Some say it’s in the normal of the day, the wonder

Other say it’s in the fear for the thunder

We’ll still survive

All I know is that I just don’t know

What made especially the ‘ow’ in ‘wow’

Some days it’s there

Other day it’s gone, and it feels like forever

Like it’s forever lost

Like I’m a ghost

Gone with the smallest wave of wind

Like one of a kind 

Up in the sky

Feet steady on the ground

And my head, as always, dreamy in the clouds

I suggest my other half, my twin flame, burned out

And that’s really a big doubt

Surprise me with what you know

And with the smallest kind of effort I will laugh

But it’s not a real laugh, or honest

‘Dude, like most flowers bloom in august?’

I do not care for you, or you, or you

I’ll only be my honest, stupidest, evilest and truest self with him

But how many times I’ll burn myself

I even speak in rhymes to the books on my shelf

I do not learn

To the ends of the earth

I’ll take him

And sing the deadliest most beautifulest hymn 

I destroy myself and sadly him too

And the sky colours pink blue

As both a blessing and message, sharp as knives

to those we will become in our next lives

All I have learnt is that I’m the sensitive one

I laugh, I cry, I live, I overthink, I overrun

I had always a connection with the spiritual kind of shit

And therefore I’m full of pit

I’m the conscious one

And that’s so hard, and wrong

While he’s drowning in a lake of darkness, unconscious

Knockouted on that head, gracious 

Some say it’s in the silliness of uncontrolled laughter

Other says it’s in the power of only a few hours

Or wonder for one another

All I know is that hope and love are in our own damned hearts

In every hated and loved soul parts

And therefor I love him, ‘because he makes me feel

How to crash and how to heal

Every damn thing, hate, hope, everything in between

Because love and hope are the things that are felt not seen

And that makes our brains a mess, 

And if our hearts win this battle, god bless

For those which are forever lost in this perpetual struggle of power

In a good environment of love and hope blooms even the darkest flower

All I know is that I still feel the difference between love and hate

And till the end I will spread and create

The light, not the dark, that I am and that I feel

And that’s the only way to fully heal.”


Geschreven op 18 juni 2020 "A raw mess"


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29 apr 2022 · 27 keer gelezen · 0 keer geliket